Financial Services
The Finance Department manages all the financial resources of the municipality and ensures the overall financial health of the organization. The Department is responsible for maintaining the Township’s accounting and other financial records, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Investing and Borrowing of Municipal Funds, Budget Preparation and Monitoring, Financial Reporting, Asset Management, Internal Audit, and Tax Billing and Collection.
The Township of Norwich prepares and approves municipal budgets on an annual basis. Budgets set financial targets and service levels for the various municipal departments and help to determine the required property tax rates to meet these needs.
The Capital Budget for the following year is presented and approved in November each year.
The Operating Budget is presented and approved in February/March each year.
The municipality is required to a complete and file a variety of Financial Reports on annual basis, including but not limited to Consolidated Financial Statements, Provincial Financial Information Returns, Municipal Performance Measures, and Federal Gas Tax Reporting.
Click on the links below to view current copies of these reports:
2017 Final Audited Financial Statement
2018 Final Audited Financial Statement
2019 Final Audited Financial Statement
2020 Final Audited Financial Statement
2021 Consolidated Financial Statement
The Province of Ontario through their Municipal Infrastructure Strategy has mandated that all municipalities in Ontario create comprehensive Asset Management Plans to assist and guide them in making appropriate infrastructure investment decisions now and into the future.
Volunteer organizations provide many services and complete a variety of community-minded projects for the citizens of the Township of Norwich. To assist these organizations in completing their activities, the Township of Norwich offers financial assistance through the annual Community Grants Program. Applications are due in December each year and are approved through the annual budget process. Details of the program and application forms can be accessed below:
Invitation to Community Groups to Submit Grant Proposals
The Township of Norwich imposes a development charge upon the development of any land within the municipality to assist with the costs of growth-related capital projects. Development charges play an important part in how growth-related infrastructure is financed. Each new or expanded residential and non-residential development requires increased municipal infrastructure and services to function efficiently and effectively.
Details of the current charge and rates can be viewed below:
Development Charges Pamphlet 2024
2024 Development Charges Background Study
Development Charges By-law 32-2024 / By-law 37-2024: Amend Development Charges 32-2024
Development charges are also charged at the County level. More information about County Development Charges is available on Oxford County’s website.
Changing your school support can now be done online at: Alternatively, you can obtain the Application for Direction of Support (ADSS) form from your school board’s office.
The Township of Norwich has passed By-law 36-2024 to provide for the adoption of user fee rates for various township activities and services effective August 1, 2024.
User Fees - Schedule A - By-law 36-2024