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Township of Norwich


As depicted in our Crest, the Township of Norwich is proud to be "Historical, Agricultural and Beautiful".

Heritage Resources

The Norwich and District Museum and Archives is centered around an 1889 Quaker Meeting House with the Village of Norwich. The museum also features local history galleries, a working blacksmith shop, agricultural exhibit barns, and a restored 19th century farmhouse.

Otterville is the home of a 1845 grist mill that is still operational. The Mill is maintained by the South Norwich Historical Society. Other points of interest are the African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery which dates back to the underground railroad, the octogonal Woodlawn Centre (Oddy House), Grand Trunk Railway Station, Otterville Mill Classic Car Show and Autumn Art Studio Tour.

Ontario Heritage Trust

Ontario Heritage Act

Oxford County Archives website

Catherine McMullen Mann Scrapbooks- history of South Norwich

Historically Significant Properties

Non-Designated Structures
Structure Former Township Address/Legal Description Reasons For Recognition
Old Stage Coach House  East     Oxford 505820 Old Stage Road, Pt. Lots 5, 6, 7, Concession 4 Associated with original settler Canfields (criterion #4) and is historically linked to the stage coach trade (criterion #8)
Oxford Centre Schoolhouse (SS-) / Pioneer Rooms East Oxford  714516 Middletown Line, Concession 4, Pt. Lot 12 Displays a high degree of craftsmanship (criterion #2) and is historically linked to the community having served as a schoolhouse for 94 years (criterion #8)
Oxford Centre United Church East Oxford  714581 Middletown Line, Concession 4, Lot 13, RP 41R-4546, Pt. 3 Building erected in 1860 as Salem Chapel, a Methodist Church, on the site of an earlier small frame building in which the famed Methodist itinerant minister Nathan Bangs preached as early as 1801. (Criterion #9). Typical of Pre-Confederation country churches with its gable-ended entrance, Gothic windows and locally produced red brick. (Criterion #1)
McAfee - Warboys House East Oxford  405417 Beaconsfield Road, Pt. Lots 11 and 12, Concession 8 Ontario Farmhouse with Greek Revival features (Criterion # 2.  McAfee family relative Charles Corbin manufactured his patented hay rakes on the property (Criterion # 5).  Featured in With Mortar and Pine.
Mott/Clark House North Norwich 345650 Quaker Street West, N. Pt. Lot 9, Concession 4 Built in 1837-38 at time of Rebellion by Moses Mott of original settler family and a Rebellion sympathizer (Criterion #4). Used as Township Municipal Office for many years (Criterion#7).
Dunkin/ Driesse House North Norwich 325433 Norwich Road West, Pt. Lot 13 & 14, Concession 4 Greek Revival style (Criterion #1) featured in Rural Ontario by V.B.Blake. Built by Quaker David Dunkin in 1857. Displayed prosperity of area to potential settlers (Criterion #5).
Crabbe/    Cook House North Norwich 346019 Quaker Street East, South Pt. Lot 2, Concession 3, RP 41R-1320, Pt 1 & 3 Birthplace of Quaker midwife Jane Stringham and childhood home of three Crabbe brothers who served in WW1 as well as their sister Toronto politician May Crabbe Robinson (Criterion #4). The cobblestone foundation of the older west wing of the brick house shows a construction date of that wing to be earlier than 1840 (Criterion #1).
Carroll/ Krauss House North Norwich 325924 Norwich Road East, N. Pt. Lot 4, Concession 5 Built by the prominent Carroll family who arrived in the Township in 1842(Criterion #4). Features basement kitchen and brick made on farm (Criterion #1). 
Sutherland/ Cowbrough Village of Norwich 51 Stover Street North, Plan 745, Lot 335, Norwich Boyhood home of Oxford’s WW1 Hero and Federal Minister of Defense, D.M.Sutherland (Criterion #4). Built in 1881 as one of first homes of Italianate design in the village (Criterion #1). 
Jennings/ Cowan House Village of Norwich 22 Albert Street, Plan 745, Lots 444, Pt. Lots 442 & 443, Norwich Parental home of Dr. Emily (Jennings) Stowe where she was married to John Stowe (Criterion #4).Later remodeled by Norwich merchant and the second Reeve of Norwich Seneca Pitcher (Criterion #5).
Arn Lockie Funeral Home Village of Norwich  45 Main Street West, Plan 955, Lot 590, Norwich Business serving Norwich since 1907 (Criterion #5). Frame building, previous Couzens residence, which houses business is thought to be the oldest frame building on Main St. (Criterion #1).
Brady Hotel Village of Norwich 2 Main Street West, Plan 745, Lot 363, Norwich Built by Master Mason Thomas Poole in mid 1800s – oldest brick building on Main St. Survived fire of 1872 through use of a male and female bucket brigade bringing water from Otter Creek (Criterion #4). Has housed many businesses over more than 150 years of commerce (Criterion #8).
Old Co-op/ Remax Village of Norwich 2 Main Street East, Plan 955, Lot 718, Norwich Front part built in 1926 as part of Norwich Co-operative which had been formed as a farmers’ buying club (Criterion #7) during WW1. Continued as the Co-op Store where feeds and farm supplies could be purchased for more than 50 years. Prominent position at main intersection has made it a landmark (Criterion #9)
Bank of Montreal Village of Norwich 30 Main Street West, Plan 745, Lot 297, Norwich Built in 1916 in “Colonial Style of this continent” of Indiana limestone and American Beaver Clay Iron spot shade 93 (Criterion #1).  Has served the Norwich community for more than 100 years (Criterion #8).
Salt Box Antiques South Norwich  220 Main Street East, Plan 388, Lot 23, Lot 45, Otterville Representative of an early example of style (Criterion #1). Has historical value because it contributes to the understanding of the community (Criterion #5).
Jenvey/ Smith House South Norwich 431 Main Street East, Springford, Concession 9, Pt. Lot 20, Plan 32, Pt. Lot 6E, RP 41R-6509 Pt. 1 Featured in With Mortar and Pine as an early store dating from the 1860s( Criterion #9). Boomtown (false) front is of architectural interest (Criterion # 2).
Stover / Rocks Mill House South Norwich 612242 Rocks Mill Line, Concession 11, N. Pt. Lot 21, RP 41R-3987, Pts 1, 2 & 3 Featured in With Mortar and Pine. Has basement kitchen common to early Quaker houses in the township (Criterion #1). Built in 1854 near site of owner’s grist and saw mills ( Criterion #8).
Moore/ Freeland House South Norwich 229 Main Street East, Otterville, Plan 388F, Lot 21 Displays a high degree of craftsmanship (Criterion #2). Features the work of a builder who is significant to the community (Criterion #6).
Barbershop South Norwich 220 Main Street West, Otterville, Plan 388B, Pt. Lot 8 Yields information that is contributes to the understanding of the community (Criterion #5). Is important in maintaining the character of Otterville’s Main St. (Criterion #7).
Bullock/ Furlong House South Norwich  276 Main Street East, Plan 43, Lots 40 & 41, Otterville Design value as early example of style in the area (Criterion # 1). Bullock family associated with early industrial works eg. Otterville Manufacturing Co. as well as funding of St. John Anglican church (Criterion #4).
Addison / Gould House South Norwich 2019 Main Street East, Otterville, Plan 43, Lot 14 E Pt Lot 13 Design value displaying a high degree of craftsmanship (Criterion #2). An early example of a Victorian storey and a half style (Criterion # 1).
Wyatt-Davis House South Norwich 230 Main Street West, Plan 43, Lots 3-5, Pt. Lots 5, 7, 9, RP 41R-5502, Pt. 2 Design value displaying a high degree of craftsmanship (Criterion #1). The property is historically linked to its surroundings ( Criterion #8).
Stover/Davis House North Norwich 345500 Quaker Sreet, N. Pt. Lot 12, Con. 4 Built by original Quaker settler family, that of Frederick Stover, as early as 1830 (Criterion # 4). Frederick Stover played a major role in the settlement of Black Americans in Upper Canada (Criterion #5).
Delong / Kardux House North Norwich 345594 Quaker Sreet, N. Pt. Lot 10, Con. 4 This two- storey Georgian brick house is featured on the prestigious Tremaine Map of 1857 (Criterion #1). Built in 1852 by Garry Delong, son of Peter Delong, co-founder of the Norwich Quaker Settlement, and the first Reeve of the Township (Criterion #4).
Parkhill / Yates House North Norwich 793578 Slant Road, N. Pt. Lot 4, Con. 3 Simple two-winged frame storey and a half dwelling thought to date from before 1840, a style typical the first frame houses commonly built in North Norwich (Criterion #1).  Associated with two prominent Quaker families, those of Harvey Haight and John Atkins (Criterions #4&5).

The Municipal Heritage Committee has started a recognition program to recognize buildings that are of historical significance within the township.

Heritage Plaques

2012 Heritage Plaques Presented
Gyori's Salt Box - 220 Main Street East, Otterville 
Cromwell / Davis House - Otterville
Clark / Mott House - former North Norwich
Service / Pitcher House -Norwich
Rettie / Gillam House - North Norwich
Pioneer Rooms - 714516 Middletown Line, Oxford Centre
2013 Heritage Plaques Presented
Jenvey / Smith House - Springford
Stover / Kelly House - Rock's Mills
Duncan / Driesse House - former North Norwich
Old Stage Coach House - Old Stage Road, former East Oxford
Arn-Lockie Funeral Home - 45 Main Street West, Norwich
Moore / Freeland House - 229 Main Street East, Otterville
Bullock / Furlong House - Otterville
Old Co-op Building - Norwich

Designated Properties