Medical Centre
The Norwich Medical Centre is a busy medical office with more than 15,000 patient visits each year. There are currently four family physicians and one naturopathic doctor practicing at the Medical Centre with a dedicated team of staff nurses, medical office assistants and support staff:
- Dr. Lisa Wendling, MD
- Dr. Jennifer Jeffries, MD
- Dr. Zeshan Shaikh, MD
- Dr. Karaminder Gajebasia
- Dr. Andrea Hornyak, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
He can be reached at:
Dr. Michael Hofer
11 Stover Street North, PO Box 147
Norwich, ON, N0J 1P0
Ph: 226-325-0108
Fax: 226-325-2268
Practice in Oxford is a website designed to provide information about physician opportunities within Oxford County.
Donations of any amount to the Norwich Medical Centre are greatly appreciated, and receipts may be issued for income tax purposes. Every dollar donated is placed into a reserve account for the sole purpose of future capital projects (building or equipment) at the facility.
Past capital projects completed in part thanks to private donations include the purchase of new filing system equipment, an emergency crash cart and equipment, an automated external defibrillator, construction of a covered entryway and installation of a backup generator. If you would like to make a donation to the facility and/or would like to see a specific project completed, please contact the Manager of Medical Services.
The Norwich Medical Centre maintains a waiting list for any individuals interested in becoming patients in one of our physicians’ practices. Our waiting list is open to all interested individuals; however, residents of the Township of Norwich receive priority placement whenever a practice is accepting new patients.
If you would like to have your name added to the Patient Wait List, please contact the Manager of Medical Services.
The following information can be emailed or drop off directly at the Medical Centre:
- Patient name(s)
- Date of birth
- Mailing address of principal residence
- Contact phone number
- Current family physician and location of practice (if applicable)
The Norwich Medical Centre is staffed by a complementary team of family physicians, staff nurses, medical office assistants, and specialized administrative staff.
The Township of Norwich currently has two physician vacancies to fill the five physician complement as designated by the Underserviced Area Program. Various practice opportunities exist and we invite all interested practitioners to contact us to find out how we can help you establish the type of practice that you desire in the Township of Norwich.
In addition to the physician opportunities mentioned above, the Township of Norwich also employs Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses, and Health Care Office Assistants. When available, position postings are advertised in select local publications and posted under the ‘Employment Opportunities’ section of the Township website. Applications may be submit at any time, and all applications are retained for consideration for a minimum of six months.
Interested individuals are encouraged to direct all recruitment inquiries and/or applications to the Manager of Medical Services.
A.J. Wells
Norwich Medical Centre
(519) 863-2338
32 South Court Street East
Each of the physicians sets the office hours and daily schedule for their own practices. Reception is regularly staffed from 8:00am through 4:00pm, Monday through Thursday and from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm on Fridays.
General Reception:
Phones answered:
Monday - Thursday
8:00am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Friday - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Phone: 519-863-2338
Fax: 519-863-2073