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Township of Norwich

Municipal Alcohol Policy

The Corporation of the Township of Norwich Municipal Alcohol Policy

Department: Recreation, Parks & Facilities
Policy No.: RPF 2006 – 05
Subject: Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP)
Approved by Council: RES. NO. 44 Date: April 11, 2006
Revision No.: 1
Authorized Ref.: Res #19 Date: June 5, 2007


The purpose of the policy is to provide an optimum number and variety of both passive and active leisure and cultural opportunities for all the citizens of the Township of Norwich while protecting and enhancing the Township of Norwich’s natural heritage. In order to fulfill this purpose, the Township must provide guidelines for staff and users of facilities and parks to ensure responsible use of alcohol.


This policy is designed to provide appropriate, reasonable procedures and information to individuals or groups wishing to hold licensed events at Township of Norwich venues.


  1. To encourage and enforce responsible drinking practices and adherence to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) regulations.
  2.  To promote a safe and enjoyable environment for those who use Township facilities for events involving alcohol service and liability associated with excessive alcohol use.
  3. To provide a balance of opportunities for alcoholic wet/dry functions in order to ensure that consumers, abstainers, adults, youth and families will be adequately serviced and protected.
  4. To respect the decision of citizens who do not drink alcohol and to encourage their participation by providing non-alcoholic beverages.
  5.  To educate event organizers on proper procedures, thus reducing the number of incidents involving alcohol by the implementation of a Township of Norwich alcohol policy
  6. To develop a Township of Norwich alcohol policy that is easy to read and understand so as to maximize its use and adherence.

Section 1

Conditions for Special Occasion Permits

The responsible person must obtain a Special Occasion Permit (S.O.P) from the AGCO. The S.O.P. holder must ensure that all the conditions of the Liquor License Act and the Township of Norwich are adhered to for the event. The Township of Norwich Council reserves the right to refuse any applicant permission to run a licensed event on its property and to impose on the event whatever restrictions it deems appropriate to the circumstances.

The responsible holder must provide, in writing to the Director of Recreation Parks and Facilities or Facilities Manager, documentation providing the following information at least thirty (30) days prior to the event:

  • Name, address, postal code and phone number of the responsible person, along with photo identification when necessary;
  • Proof of insurance in the amount of $2,000,000. naming the Township of Norwich as a third party under the policy (see section FIVE);
  • A layout of the licensed area;
  • The permit holder must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Recreation Parks and Facilities or designate that there are sufficient controls in place to prevent under age, intoxicated or rowdy people from entering the event; and that the intoxicated participants will be refused services and removed from the event. (as noted in Appendix One)
  • The Municipal Alcohol Policy will be available from Township staff at the time of the booking.

If any questions or concerns arise from this policy contact the Director of Recreation Parks & Facilities or Clerk Administrator for clarification.

  • The permit holder or responsible person as indicated on the application and permit must be in attendance at the event. If however, in an emergency situation the permit holder/responsible person are unable to attend, then it is the responsibility of the permit holder to designate in writing someone to attend the permit event. The designated person is responsible to ensure that the requirements of the law for the permit event are complied with.

The designated person must not be someone who has been refused permits by the AGCO.

  • Renters must understand that prevention of intoxication is paramount. Controls must be enforced to allow for an enjoyable and safe atmosphere for all present.
  • A checklist for renters and a rental contract form will be provided by the municipality at the time of booking. These forms are to be completed by the renter and returned to Township staff.
  • A current list of SIP/Smart Serve trained personnel will be maintained by the Township staff and may assist with the event, when the renters do not have the required "SIP/Smart Serve" trained staffing. Note: There is a staffing cost to the renter, when the Township provide bar staff.
  • All event personnel including the permit holder must refrain from alcohol consumption during the event.
  • All S.O.P. holders are required to adhere to the conditions as outlined in the sections that follow:

Section 2

Municipal Facilities Eligible for Special Occasions Permits

Norwich Arena/Community Centre

Norwich Arena Floor Only (summer season)

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for up to 1,100 people for larger concerts and events. Set up can accommodate chairs and tables and is completely accessible.

Norwich Arena – South Lobby only

 This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for 50 – 75 people for private functions only, where the public is not allowed in the arena facility as a whole. Service can be done from Snack Bar counter.

Community Centre -The Frew Family Room (1/3)

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for up to 175 people for workshops, meetings and events. Set up can accommodate chairs and tables; kitchenette/small bar is available and is completely accessible.

Community Centre - The Norwich Otterville Lions’ Hall (2/3 Room)

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for up to 375 people for larger concerts and events. Set up can accommodate chairs and tables; full kitchen and separate bar area are available and facilities are completely accessible.

Community Centre - Full Auditorium

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for up to 550 people for concerts, workshops, events, receptions, family gatherings, weddings and large meeting. Set up can accommodate chairs and tables; full kitchen and separate bar area are available and facilities are completely accessible.

Community Centre - The Optimist Hall, previously Blueline Room (upstairs)
This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for 150 to 175 people for receptions, family gatherings and small meeting. Set up can accommodate chairs and tables; full kitchen and separate bar area are available and is completely accessible - lift/elevator available.
Community Centre - The Norwich Musical Society Band Room (upstairs)

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for 25 to 50 people for receptions, family gatherings and small meeting. Set up can accommodate chairs and tables and is completely accessible - lift/elevator available.

Oxford Centre Hall

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for up to 175 people for receptions, family gatherings, weddings and large meetings. Set up can accommodate chairs and tables; full kitchen and separate bar area are available.

Oxford Centre Seniors/Pioneer Room

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for 50 to 75 people for receptions, family gatherings and small meeting. Set up can accommodate chairs and tables, kitchenette is available.

Cornell Hall

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for 50 to 75 people for receptions, family gatherings and small meeting.

Woodlawn Adult Centre

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events; suitable for 50 people for small receptions, family gatherings and meetings.

Parks and Sports Fields

Otterville Park – Picnic Pavilion

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events provided a designated area is fenced off around the pavilion, suitable for up to 50 people.

Otterville Park Pavilion

 (Crystal Palace Design - also known as the canopy by local residents)

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events, suitable for up to 200 people and is wheelchair accessible.

Dillon Park – Norwich

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events provided a designated area is fenced off around the baseball diamond area/pavilion, suitable for up to 200 people. (Capacity may increase when the fenced area is larger and/or specific to tent size)

The Otterville Mill (Picnic Shelter)

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events provided a designated area is fenced off around the pavilion, suitable for up to 200 people.

Burgessville Sports Park and Pavilion

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events provided a designated area is fenced off around the pavilion, suitable for up to 200 people. (Capacity may increase when the fenced area is larger and/or specific to tent size)

Springford Sports Park and Pavilion

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events provided a designated area is fenced off around the pavilion, suitable for up to 200 people. (Capacity may increase when the fenced area is larger and/or specific to tent size)

Municipal Parking Lots

Township Office Parking Lot

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events provided a designated area is fenced off, suitable for up to 200 - 600 people.

Norwich Arena/Community Centre Front Parking Lot

 (South side)

This facility is suitable for Special Occasion Permit events provided a designated area is fenced off, suitable for up to 200 people. (Capacity may increase when the fenced area is larger and/or specific to tent size)

Other Township Facilities

All other facilities require written approval from the Township of Norwich, Clerk/Administrator, and/or Director of Recreation Parks & Facilities or designate.

Facilities NOT eligible for Special Occasion Permits

The following facilities/locations are not eligible for a Special Occasion Permit:

  • Parks and outdoor areas not listed in the MAP policy.
  • Arena dressing rooms, ice surface, seating areas
  • Pool change rooms/locker rooms
  • Horse barn and track
  • Exception: Any person wishing to hold a Special Occasion Permit event in a location not listed on this policy must appeal to the Township of Norwich Council for approval.
  • The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at the majority of parks, gardens or sports facilities within the Township of Norwich. The Township of Norwich has a zero tolerance on consumption of alcohol where proper permits have not been obtained. The Township of Norwich may change the designation of any site within its jurisdiction at its discretion.

Section 3

Definitions of Events

Private Event

Private/invitation gatherings that are by invitation only and not open to the general public. This is noted in the S.O.P. application as a Reception Permit.

Public Events

Events where the general public will be attending.

Section 4

Controls Prior to Event

The event organizers will provide the Township with a letter stating that the use of SIP/Smart Serve Program trained personnel who will be working at the event are being used. The permit holder will ensure that the bartenders and servers do not serve alcohol to underage, intoxicated or unauthorized people at the event.

Permit Holder, Event Volunteers/Event Staff must:

  • Ensure that the bartenders and servers do not serve alcohol to underage, intoxicated or unauthorized people at the event,
  • Abide by all rule of the Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP),
  • Attend the event and be sober before and during the event, and
  • All event personnel must wear identification, so that participants and others such as security and

Township staff can identify them easily.

  • Take necessary steps, as laid out in this policy, to prevent disorderly behaviour.

Section 5

Controls During Events


The renter/permit holder will be provided with two (2) signs to post at the event in a high visibility area, with the following wording:

"It is against the Liquor License Act of Ontario for licensed establishments to serve customers to intoxication. For this reason, servers in our facilities are required to obey the law and not serve anyone to intoxication. We are pleased to offer non-alcoholic beverages."

The signs will also include the name, address and phone numbers of the Police Department and the

Alcohol and Gaming Commission. Listing this information provides contact information and/or for those who wish to lodge a complaint about an event.

Monitors and Identification


Entrances to Public Events will be monitored by two (2) people nineteen (19) years of age or older. Acceptable identification will include:

  • Age of majority card,
  • Ontario driver's license,
  • Passport / Citizenship card,
  • Military cards with photo, or
  • Drivers license for out of province is acceptable if it includes a photo.

Event workers should wear highly visible identification. Suggestions include shirts, hats, or badges.

Event Organizer(s):

  • To be eligible for a facility rental for a special occasion function, the event organizer must demonstrate sufficient event controls so that patrons will not be put in a situation that could cause harm to others. The event organizer will ensure that the physical setting is safe for both drinkers and non-drinkers.
  • The event organizer will ensure the event is supervised to encourage legal and moderate drinking behaviour and ensure that any problems that may arise are dealt with appropriately.
  • The monitors, bartenders and servers will not consume alcohol while on duty. If in the opinion of the S.O.P. signatory, someone is not capable of performing his/her duties or is intoxicated, the individual will be removed immediately from his/her duties.
  • The event organizers will be responsible for requesting additional assistance should it become necessary during the event, from the appropriate Township of Norwich staff, security officers or Police.
  • The S.O.P. signatory, or designate, must attend the event and be responsible for making decisions regarding operation of the event.
  • The Township of Norwich reserves the right to require the presence of police officer(s) for the duration of an event. The cost is to be borne by the sponsoring group or individual.
  • The Township of Norwich reserves the right to require an "Event Deposit". This amount is to be set out in the user agreement.


  • The Township of Norwich encourages the permit holder to monitor their event in a responsible manner. The use of Smart Serve Program trained bartenders is required and that the guidelines established for public events be used as a suggested means of monitoring the event.
  • The permit holder will be responsible for requesting additional assistance should it become necessary during the event from the appropriate Township of Norwich staff, security officers or Police.
  • The Township of Norwich reserves the right to require the presence of police officer(s) for the duration of an event. The cost is to be borne by the sponsoring group or individual.

Staffing Requirements

The following are the guidelines to be followed for minimum numbers of SIP/Smart Serve trained and untrained staff for public and private events.

Public Events: 50 -100 people Location # SIP/Smart ServeTrained Staff # of untrained staff
 Door    0 1
Bar   1 -
Bar Tickets   1 -
Floor Monitor   No monitor required No monitor required