Building Services & Permits
Our team is here to offer zoning, building code information and technical advice and to be of assistance during the entire construction process. If you need more information we invite you to contact us.
Each of the following documents will provide you with valuable information, whether you plan to build a wood deck, are interested in building a family home, would like to install an outdoor pool, are searching for information about fees and other charges, and more.
Building Services is also responsible for:
- Administering and enforcing the Township of Norwich Zoning By-law, other various municipal by-laws, and provincial regulations in a fair and consistent manner to control how people use their lands and construct buildings on their property.
- Enforcing Property Standards relating to buildings and structures.
- Assigning civic municipal addressing including 911 signs.
Cloud Permit Application
Apply for your Permit Online
The Township of Norwich offers Cloudpermit to residents, builders and the business community. Cloudpermit is an online system that allows you to apply for and track your building permits.
By-law 16-2019, as amended, requires the base fee payable upon receipt of an application.
The applicant will be notified of the full fee amount payable and full payment of the balance owing must be received by the Building Department prior to permit issuance. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, or debit at the Township office.
A complete application must include the following:
- Completed permit application form
- Completed schedule 1 form/designer form (if applicable)
- Drawings (must be legible and clearly show construction details to scale)
- Site plan (must be fully dimensioned showing all overall dimensions of property, all buildings with dimensions on the property, and distance to property lines from all buildings/structures, and full lot coverage calculations)
- Base fee
- Owner authorization letter allowing the applicant to act as the owner’s agent if applicant is not the owner
- Authorization/approval from any applicable authority having jurisdiction. i.e. UTRCA, Ministry of Transportation etc.
New to Cloudpermit Already Registered with Cloudpermit
Building Permit Applications
- Application for a permit to construct or demolish
building permit application. for additional supporting documentation please see the building services page. - Sewage system construction or repair
addendum to application to permit sewage system construction or repair - Application for a pool enclosure
an application to construct a pool enclosure.
Reference Documents
- Attached garage
specs for attached garage - Detached garage
specs for detached garage - House addition - with full basement
specs for house addition with full basement - Schedule A - Building Permit Fees
- Schedule B - acknowledgement by applicant of an incomplete application
- Schedule d - list of drawings specifications and information
to accompanying application for permits - Residential decks
specs for building a residential deck - Temporary tent
permit requirements - Test pit procedure policy
Supporting Documentation
- Authorization of owners for application
authorization of owner(s) for applicant/agent to make the application - Foundation control certificate
certification of foundation siting and elevation - Lot grading certificate
certification of foundation siting and elevation - Energy efficiency design summary - performance
performance & other acceptable compliance methods - Commitment to general reviews by architect and engineers
this form to be completed by the owner or owner’s authorized agent, and signed by all consultants retained for general reviews. - Energy efficiency design summary - prescriptive
prescriptive method - Zoning by-law compliance form
applicable law compliance declaration - Demolition permit application checklist
- Schedule 1 - designer information
- Schedule 2 - sewage system installer information
- Residential mechanical ventilation design summary
Building FAQ
Yes. As regulated under the Ontario Building Code, any tent over 60 m2 (646 ft2), any size tent attached to a building, or any size tent constructed less that 3 m from other structures, requires a building permit. For further information please contact Building Services.
The Line Fences Act provides a procedure that enables neighbouring landowners to have their fencing disputes arbitrated by municipally appointed fence-viewers. The procedure is applicable to situations where one owner wants to construct, repair or maintain a fence on a property boundary line, but is unable to reach agreement with the other owner on the type of fence to be erected, the sharing of the costs of the fence, or both of these issues.
The 911 Civic Addressing is based on a two-part system that includes both the six-digit number and the road name. Established on a grid system, it is defined by the intersection of the driveway access and the road. If you have an emergency and require assistance from Police, Fire, Ambulance, or other emergency staff, your address will appear on the call taker's screen at the 911 answering bureau. In order to ensure accurate updated information, it is important that you inform your local telephone company of any changes to your address to ensure prompt services using the 911 Emergency Services. It would also be beneficial to record the 911 number near all of your telephones so that it can easily be recalled to emergency personnel.
Who is Responsible?
It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep and maintain in good condition their civic number plate and civic numbers including all costs associated with such maintenance or replacement of damaged or stolen signs when necessary (Township of Norwich By-law 49-95). If you require a replacement 911 sign please contact Building Services.
Where Do I Place the 911 sign?
The Civic number plate is to be placed on its own post, within 3 m (10 ft.) of the property line and within 3 m (10 ft.) of the edge of the driveway (unobscured by mailboxes, etc.), perpendicular to the fronting road. The plate must be a minimum of 1.5 m (5 ft.) above grade, and a maximum of 2 m (6 ft. 6 in.) above grade. Any variation of this provision is subject to the approval of the Chief Building Official, Road Superintendent or other designated person. (By-law 49-95 Schedule “A” Section 4.1.2)
Who is responsible for the civic addressing in Urban Areas?
The Township of Norwich Chief Building Official, or designate, retains the responsibility of allocating new civic addresses as new properties are developed, upon issuance of a building permit, based on the County of Oxford Civic Addressing Guidelines.
What are the requirements for displaying my property's civic address number?
Urban civic address numbers or unit numbers may be affixed to the main building/dwelling. The numbers used are to be a minimum of 7 inches in height, or were made of a reflective material, 5 inches in height, and; the numbers used must be clearly visible from the traveled portion of the road under all lighting, and in all seasons and weather conditions.
The Ontario Building Code requires the inspection to be completed within two (2) business days for regular inspections and no later than five (5) business days for sewage systems. The time begins on the following day after the request has been received.
If at time of inspection the inspected work does not meet the appropriate criteria according to the Ontario Building Code, the issue must be rectified and, in most cases, a re-inspection will be required before the project can proceed.
(NOTE: This is a general list and is not intended to represent the complete list of possible projects.)
A building permit is not required for the following:
- A shed that;
- measures not more than 15m2 in gross area. However, the location and height of all new structures must comply with The Township of Norwich Zoning By-law Provisions 5.1
- is not attached to a building or any other structure
- is used only for storage purposes ancillary to a principal building on the lot, and
- does not have plumbing
- Installing replacement asphalt shingles on a roof
- Minor roof sheathing repairs
- Repointing of brick veneer
- Replacing siding
- Replacing doors or windows (provided they are in the same size opening)
- Kitchen or bathroom cabinets (not including plumbing)
- New flooring
- Installation of air conditioning units or heat pumps
- Boundary Fences
- Pool heaters
- Painting and decorating
- Landscaping
- Installing a free-standing solar panel
All documents that may need to accompany the building permit application can be found in building By-law 16-2019, Schedule D. It is up to the discretion of the Chief Building Official to request more information as required.
Where do I submit my application?
Building Permit Applications should be submitted to Building Services.
Who is authorized to apply for a building permit?
The owner of the property or an authorized agent for the owner (contractor) must apply for the building permit. Authorized agents can submit the form Authorization of Owner(s) for Applicant/Agent to Make the Application or a similar form with the permit application.
How long does it take to approve a Building Permit?
Depending on the project, a permit must be issued from ten business days for a residential structure and up to thirty days for more complex buildings providing all applicable drawings have been received and approved, all fees paid, and any applicable law has not been contravened.
A demolition permit is required for all buildings that would normally require a building permit. The Ontario Building Code exempts farm buildings located on agriculture property.
The Application for a Permit to Demolish is required to be submitted along with confirmation from all utilities that the services have been disconnected to the building.
The Ontario Building Code Act requires a building permit when a person constructs or demolishes a building or causes a building to be constructed or demolished. A building is defined as:
(a) a structure occupying an area greater than 10 m2 (107.6 ft2 ) consisting of a wall, roof, and floor or any of them or a structural system serving the function thereof including all plumbing, works, fixtures, and service systems appurtenant thereto,
(b) a structure occupying an area of 10 m2 (107.6 ft2) or less that contains plumbing, including the plumbing appurtenant thereto,
(c) plumbing not located in a structure
(d) a sewage system; or
(e) structures designated in the building code
Why do I need a Building Permit?
A Building Permit provides the means to review the project designs, to inspect the actual construction and to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of the occupants of the building are maintained. By reviewing and approving plans before any work is done ensures that construction within the Township of Norwich complies with the Ontario Building Code (which sets minimum standards for design and materials), the local zoning by-law (which controls building location, height, parking, etc. and uses that are suitable to the area) and other applicable laws.
A building permit is a formal approval to construct, add to, or renovate a building on your property. Building permits allow the municipality to protect the interests of both individuals and the community as a whole.
I am still unsure if I require a Building Permit:
Please contact Building Services with details of the work you're planning. Our staff will be able to assist you in determining if a permit is required. Making early enquiries about your project will help to resolve any possible issues you may encounter.