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Township of Norwich

By-Laws and Policies

By-law Name  By-law Number  Amendments  Description
Animal Control  39-2013   To regulate and restrict the keeping of animals in the Township of Norwich 
Building By-law  16-2019 42-2023 Amended Schedule A of 16-2019 In respect to construction, demolition, change of use permits and inspections 
Code of Conduct  44-2019   Code of Conduct for members of Council, local boards, and committees 
Development Charges  32-2024 37-2024 To establish Township-wide Development Charges for the Township of Norwich 
Dog Control  15-2017 consolidated with 09-2021   To regulate and restrict dogs in the Township of Norwich
Fire Regulation  45-2019   Regulation and control for the setting of and prevention of fires 
Firework Regulation  34-2003   To prohibit and regulate the sale and setting off of fireworks 
Land Clearance  89-01   A By-law to provide for the filling-up, drainage and cleaning of land and clearing land of waste   
Littering By-law  53-2008   To prohibit the depositing of refuse and debris on private property or municipal property 
Noise By-law  35-2013 64-2021 To regulate and prohibit noise 
Off-Road Vehicles  14-2021   To regulate the operation of off-road vehicles with the Township of Norwich 
Procedural By-law  57-2017 56-2022 To Govern the proceedings of the Council of the Township of Norwich and of its committees
Property Tax Rate  25-2024   Assessment for the year 2024 and for Levying the rates of taxation thereon
Public Parks  55-2008   To protect and govern the use of public parks and facilities 
Refreshment Vehicle Licencing  50-84   To licence, govern and regulate refreshment vehicles 
Regulate Bicycles 17-98   To prohibit and regulate bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, scooters. etc. within the Township of Norwich  
Sign By-law  51-87   Regulate the erection of signs in the Township of Norwich 
Site Plan Approval Guidelines  15-2012   Site Plan Control By-law 
Swimming Pool  10-98   Enclosure of private outdoor swimming pools 
Traffic and Parking  66-2016 03-2017 To regulate traffic and parking within the Township of Norwich 
User Fees  36-2024   To establish user fees and service charges for the Township of Norwich 


Policy No. Policy Description
Safe & Well Oxford

Community Safety and Well-being Plan 

Telecommunication Tower Protocol

Protocol for the development and/or redevelopment of Telecommunication Towers in the Township of Norwich

Policy AODA Accessible Information & Communication Policy
Accessible Customer Service Policy  To provide compliance to the AODA standards 
Community Grants Program Policy 

To assist volunteer groups that provide programs, services and events for the betterment of the community that would otherwise not be provided

Flag Protocol 

To provide a standard which flag raising requests for events, organizations or community groups of significance, and for how flag lowering will be administered for Township flag poles 

Municipal Alcohol Policy

Guidelines for staff and users of facilities and parks to ensure responsible use of alcohol

Traffic Calming Policy

Process used by staff when traffic calming measures/projects are requested by Township residents

 Also see Traffic Calming Guide.

Additional By-Laws

The Clerk’s Office maintains the by-laws and amendments enacted by Council. To obtain an official version of a by-law, please contact the Clerk’s Office.